5 Ways Hiring a Copywriter Will Elevate Your Business

A nurse friend reached out to me recently and explained there are courses out there specifically for nurses transitioning to freelance work and telling these nurses to buy a fancy, expensive website designs but then demanding they write their own website copy.

I’ll quickly tell you three reasons why I’m afraid I have to disagree with this advice, and then we’ll get into how a professional copywriter can elevate your brand.

First and foremost, the expensive website won’t matter if your copy is a flop. Your visitors might scroll for a minute because the design is pretty, but if there is no real value or the copy is confusing, then your visitor will likely ‘X’ out without taking any further action on your website.

Second, copy that markets your services and resonates with your audience is more challenging to write than you might think, which is why people specialize in this type of marketing. Copy isn’t just a bunch of words vomited onto a website page — strategy and psychological triggers are actually at play to build trust and convert sales.

Third, with SO many options in today’s market, people are taking longer to make buying decisions. They’re not just looking at a brand’s social media posts — they look at their content across all platforms, including their website, and even scroll through reviews and testimonials.

They’re not just signing up for a one-off newsletter and immediately deciding to work with you. They’re taking their time researching all their options to make the best choice.

You don’t want to miss out on these customers because they have a terrible experience on your website. You want your website copy to draw them in, keep them scrolling, and encourage them to take action.

So, while it’s possible to DIY your website copy on your own, I’d consider doing a little self-assessment of your website right now…

With an objective eye, pretend that you are your ideal client, and you click on your website for the first time…

Now you’re looking at your homepage…

What are your initial thoughts?

What are the first words you see on your website?

Do those words make you want to keep reading?

Are those words both clear and compelling?

How does your design make you feel?

How do your words make you feel?

If you were a customer, would you buy from your brand?

If your answer to the last question was no…

Then, keep reading to figure out how a copywriter can help you strategically align your website copy with your business goals and align your brand messaging with your values and customers’ needs.

Why hiring a copywriter is worth it

1 | More time to get back to doing the things you actually want to be doing

Writing website copy can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially if you’re not a professional writer.

As a business owner, you will always wear multiple hats and juggle various responsibilities, leaving you with little time to focus on the things you want to be doing.

So, don’t waste your valuable time crying over your copy.

By outsourcing your website copywriting needs to a professional copywriter, you can save time and free up your schedule to concentrate on elevating other aspects of your business.

For instance, you could use the extra time to improve your product or service offerings, attend networking events, or expand your business.

By delegating the time-consuming task of writing website copy to a professional copywriter, you can also ensure that the quality of your content is top-notch and aligns with your brand voice and messaging, ultimately improving your productivity and allowing you to achieve your overall business goals.

2 | Consistent and clear brand strategy

A consistent and clear brand strategy establishes a strong and recognizable brand identity that resonates with its target audience and stands out in a crowded market.

A copywriter can play a vital role in achieving this goal by helping you maintain brand consistency throughout your website copy, reinforcing your brand identity, and making your brand that much more memorable.

A copywriter enforces your brand strategy by ensuring your messaging and tone of voice are consistent across all pages of your website, helping to build trust and loyalty. They identify the target audience and tailor the copy to their needs, pain points, and interests, which can ensure that the message is received and understood by the intended audience.

For instance, if your business wants to target a younger demographic, a copywriter can use a more casual and conversational tone of voice to appeal to them.

On the other hand, if your target audience is more professional, a copywriter can use a more formal tone to establish credibility and thought leadership.

3 | Marketing without selling your soul since copywriters are, in fact, mind readers

The last thing anyone wants is to feel sleazy when making sales.

Sometimes, we get so hyper-focused on achieving financial goals that we lose track of our mission. You might need help finding the right balance between promoting your products or services and maintaining your integrity.

A professional copywriter can help you write persuasive and compelling copy without resorting to shady tactics, and they’re out here anticipating your customer’s needs and answering all their questions before they even know they have questions — hello, mind readers, remember? 🤪

By utilizing techniques such as storytelling and appealing to psychological triggers, a copywriter can engage your audience and increase conversion rates by using the power of storytelling as a tool in marketing.

A skilled copywriter can weave a story around your brand that resonates with your target audience. They can create an emotional connection between your audience and your brand, making them more likely to become loyal customers.

Psychological triggers are another technique that copywriters use to engage audiences. They can evoke emotions such as the fear of missing out, excitement, or nostalgia to encourage the audience to act. By tapping into these emotions, copywriters can persuade your audience to take the desired action, whether it’s signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase.

The goal of marketing is to turn visitors into customers and boost sales, and by working with a copywriter, you can achieve this in a way that aligns with your values and maintains your integrity.

4 | Long-term evergreen value

Not only can a copywriter boost your SEO strategy by researching the best keywords to use and incorporating them into your copy in a way that doesn’t feel forced or unnatural, but a copywriter can provide long-term value by creating evergreen copy that can be used for years to come.

Evergreen content remains relevant and valuable over time, which means it can continue attracting new visitors to your site for years to come.

By working with a copywriter who can create evergreen content, your long-term SEO strategy delivers results well into the future, especially when you can take your evergreen content and update it over time as the algorithm changes, making your content the most relevant and credible resource for your audience.

By working with a copywriter who understands the importance of keyword research, you can identify the words and phrases people are searching for and tailor your website copy to match those search queries, improving your website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

5 | Showcasing your credibility as the badass professional you are

Everyone loves to say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” 

But if we’re really honest with ourselves (like genuinely honest with ourselves), we’d realize that literally everyone judges everyone by their cover.

And I’m not trying to shade anyone here or make anyone feel bad…

It’s just that we make split-second decisions every single day based on how we feel about something the first time it’s presented to us…

Think about it…

You choose fruits and veggies based on a 5-second inspection in the grocery store.

You choose between two similar magazines based on who is on the cover.

You decide what movie to watch based on a 60-second preview.

Now, you might spend a little more time researching business coaches or hairdressers, but I guarantee your research will eventually lead you to their website, where you’re still going to make a split second decision as to whether or not you want to work with them.

And if you don’t have a good experience with their content and don’t see them as a credible source, you’ll click away and find someone new.

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and your potential customers, meaning your website is really like a first date and a great first impression is so freaking crucial to snag a second date. 😉

With well-written, grammatically correct, and connection-worthy copy, you can showcase your professionalism and attention to detail, establishing your credibility as a badass professional in your industry.

Your website’s copy is not just a tool to inform potential customers about your products or services. It’s also an opportunity to build trust with them and instill confidence in your potential customers that you are the right person for the job.

When your copy is well-written, it can convey that you are meticulous, thorough, and care about the quality of your work, making your potential customers feel more confident in your ability to deliver on your promises.

Hey, hi, hello — it’s me, your copywriting nurse bestie at your service. 🤑

While it may be tempting to DIY your own copy, consider the value of hiring a professional copywriter. 

A copywriter can help you strategically align your website copy with your business goals, showcase your credibility, and establish a consistent and clear brand strategy that resonates with your target audience. 

And by investing in me — a copywriter — you can ensure that your website copy draws customers in, keeps them scrolling, and encourages them to take action, ultimately leading to a website you’re so damn proud to share with the world, improved conversion rates, and more happy customers who return again and again.

More scroll-stopping content…

Hey, it's Bridget your website copywriting nurse bestie. Have we had a chance to connect yet?

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Check out my copywriting services. I write website copy and blog content for nurses in business and nurses with personal brands.

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