SDN's founder holding a pile of books in front of her face

the BLOG

It’s probably the middle of the night on your millionth stretch of four 12-hour shifts, and you’ve clocked no less than 20k steps, reheated your coffee for the third time now, and finally decided it’s time to ditch the mystery-stained scrubs once and for all

SDN's computer, stethoscope, pile of books on table

Let’s answer all your 2 AM questions about the intricacies of being a nurse, growing professionally, and scaling your side hustle into a full-time gig.

Nurse turned website copywriter and business owner, Bridget, sitting at a table with her computer, stethoscope, and a pile of books


Here’s What to Know on Your Journey From Nurse to Copywriter

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Nurse turned website copywriter leaning against wall, stethoscope in hand as main focus
Meet Bridget - Sleep-deprived nurse's founder, standing against wall, computer in hand

Hey, I’m Bridget — nurse, copywriter, and blog enthusiast!

It all began with a dinner where I unexpectedly burst into tears and floundered my way through explaining how I cope with the traumas of being a nurse.

Newsflash: I wasn’t coping, like at all.

So I decided to make a change, and Sleep Deprived Nurse was born.

Now I help uplift nurses like you. I help give you a voice to make an impact in your community by elevating your skills and experience through effective conversational copywriting that converts.

Let’s take your story from sleep-deprived to thriving — and your website from unfiltered-copy-mess to conversion-enticing website copy showcasing your story and expertise.